Category: Dreams Decoded

Dreams Decoded

Dreams Decoded

Dreams with UFOs

It’s interesting that several people have asked me recently about what UFOs mean in their dreams. Are there more dreamers having these sorts of dreams…...

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Dreams Decoded

What Do Numbers in Dreams Mean?

Have you ever dreamt of a number or a sequence of numbers? Most often they appear in a dream as a way to point out…...

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Dreams Decoded

Faceless People in a Dream

Dreaming about someone without a face might sound like a scene out of a Stephen King book, but in the Language of the Mind it…...

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Dreams Decoded

Taking a Test in a Dream

Here’s a common element that everyone I’ve ever spoken to about dreams has had. It can take several forms: You arrive at the door of…...

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Dreams Decoded

Lost car dreams

Dreams Decoded: What it means when you dream about losing your car/can’t find your car Our bodies are symbolically represented in dreams as cars. Just…...

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Dreams Decoded

Dreams and Synchronicity

Have you ever had an uncanny connection to someone or something? Maybe you thought about a subject and then began suddenly seeing, hearing or experiencing…...

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Dreams Decoded

Music in a Dream

Have you ever heard a song or music in a dream? If you experience music or find yourself singing during a dream it represents harmony…...

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Dreams Decoded

Snakes in a Dream

In our waking lives, most of us aren’t fond of snakes. They represent danger and fear. Is this how they translate in the language of…...

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Dreams Decoded

Kisses in a Dream

Have you ever kissed someone in a dream? In waking life it’s a physical sign of affection or love. When we dream of kissing it…...

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Dreams Decoded

Money in a Dream

When you dream about money you are dreaming about something valued or that you value. What that specifically is can be determined by other symbols…...

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