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Karma is Not Your Enemy

Relax. Karma is not a punishment system. It’s not out to get you. Karma is impersonal. It’s simply energy. Karma is unresolved energy that you carry around with you. It’s not a belief system; it’s a universal law that affects everyone on Earth. Much like gravity, regardless of whether you believe in it, it still…...

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The Missing Piece: Your Inner Child

As a child I learned to stuff my feelings, despite being naturally emotionally sensitive. It felt safer not to expose that vulnerable part of me to others. Like many, I thought that vulnerability equates with weakness. What I didn’t realize was that the vulnerable part was also one of the most beautiful pieces of me…....

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Discover Your Inner Spiritual Compass

The spiritual path is unique to each person.  As much as we’d like someone else to just spoon feed us the answers to our personal issues, it’s not realistic or recommended. The whole point of being incarnated is to learn and grow through our own individual experiences. If you’ve been on the spiritual path for…...

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What is Your Soul’s Purpose

By Tianna Roser (channeling Archangel Raphael) This is Archangel Raphael. You came here to learn how to be your soul expressed through a physical body. It is the same purpose for all human beings, however, some humans have more dense energy to clear than others. There is a name for this dense energy. It’s called…...

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Free Yourself By Becoming Your Higher Self

We all want to feel special. Society teaches us to measure our value externally in comparison to others. If you look better, if you have more money, if you achieve more than others, then you feel important. Moment by moment, your self-esteem is precariously balanced – based on other people’s opinions, how many “likes” you…...

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Being Your Soul in the World

In these highly divisive times, it can be intimidating to speak your spiritual truth due to the fear of being judged. Yet ultimately, part of the spiritual journey is to become your authentic self and fully embody the light of your soul as a human being. To assist you in coming out of your spiritual…...

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Answers From My Spirit Guide

I first connected with my Spirit Guide Will through a Ouija board years ago when I began on a spiritual path. Will is a loving and sometimes humorous nonphysical being from my soul group.  He insisted that I stop using the Ouija board and instead taught me how to hear his messages inwardly through meditation…....

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The Truth About Hypnosis

Oh, how I wish I could just say my special words, snap my fingers and Presto! Whatever my client wants to change happens instantly! However, the truth is, hypnosis is not a magic bullet. It’s a process where change can sometimes happen instantaneously, but generally occurs over time with repetition. Based on the looks of…...

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How Reiki Powerfully Yet Effortlessly Transforms You

No pain, no gain. It’s obvious there’s a major opportunity to grow every time you work through a difficult challenge. You can probably think back to some of the most demanding periods of your life and, in retrospect, appreciate the transformation that occurred because of it. Yet, is that the only way we evolve? What…...

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Past Life Regression: Why Rehash the Past?

What’s the point of past life regression? The past is finished. Why cling to old ideas and stagnant energy? Out with the old, in with the new. Don’t all the sages tell us to live in the Now? So why bother revisiting past lives? Is it just out of curiosity, or worse yet, glamour? Maybe…...

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