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What Do You Hear: Part 1

For me personally, sound is everything. There is a branch of Yoga called Nada Yoga, which is the Yoga of Sound. In essence, the use of the auditory (both inner dialogue and external) senses for the expansion of consciousness and the connection to the divine source of all life, all creation, and all that moves…...

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The approach to sound healing is as diverse as the many people who facilitate the experiences. Each person has a unique background and style which lends itself to a certain experience. The folly is the setting of false expectations for the said experiences.  One can make any myriad of claims for what the practice does…...

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Sound Healing is a Way of Living: Trimming the Fat

Over the years, working with sound has brought me great insights into myself. That insight was then transmitted through every other facet of my life. It is all reflections of myself.  Which is seen more and more over time. Not only is it seen more, but it is recognized as such. There is no more…...

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The Art of Plausible Deniability and Self-Sabotage: Self-Doubt and Distractions

*I want to preface, this is my opinion, I respect everyone’s decision in life to do as they wish and engage with the world as they wish. This is my version of reality.             Many years ago, my wife and I attended the Tom Brown tracker school in the pine barrens of New Jersey. It…...

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Holding Space For Sound Part 3: The Creature and the Creation

During ceremony a few years ago, the gentleman guiding the event spoke and said, “Stay here, the ceremony is in this room.” This has something that has stuck with me for many years and still unveils itself in new ways. It was more than a lot of other lessons from that evening. It reminds me…...

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Holding Space Part 2 – Harnessing the “Feeling”

            Whenever I begin thinking of the topic for these writings, I am always simply living my life, and at some point, even the most mundane acts can bring such clarity. Chopping and stacking wood has become a deep meditation while working outside provides me with the clarity of mind to find deep truths. While…...

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Holding Space: Part 1

As a practitioner, teacher, and author on the topic of a holistic sound practices, I have come to terms with many awakening aspects of the practice many practitioners seem to overlook or have a misunderstanding thereof. Sound is often something many people in wellness seem to pick up, and assume their intuition will carry them…...

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Time as Ambiguity

In Search Of Silence Part 4: Conclusion Time as Ambiguity As we approach the conclusion to this four-part series, the final and most important aspect of sovereignty revolves around the force of time. It holds no physical space but dictates how all moves. Simply put, time is spatial relationship between matter. As in, when you…...

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In Search of Silence Part 3: The Blind Architect

*Originally this was a three-part series, but it needs one more topic so it will be a four-part series. Please look at previous two articles for the build-up.   In life we often feel we have control. Yet, control is one the great illusions of man. To feel that actions dictate outcome, is true. Yet,…...

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In Search of Silence Part 2: Accountability

            In the search for silence, we come across another intriguing phenomena, accountability. When working with sound as meditation we can begin to take control of aspects of our lives where we may not feel control for aspects of ourselves. Our trauma and other subconscious residue seeps into our daily lives in various forms, insomuch…...

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