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A Timeline for Joe Biden

Joe Biden was born at 8.30 a.m. (A Rodden Rating) on 20th November 1942 in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Below is his north and south Indian-style birth chart using sidereal calculations and Chitrapaksha Ayanamsha.  Although Joe Biden’s time of birth is not rated AA, and so may not be exact, it will not alter his planetary cycles very much…...

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Ghislaine Maxwell: Notes on a Scandal Part 2

  Image Credit: Ghislaine Maxwell, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons Ghislaine Maxwell has been charged with enticement of minors, sex trafficking of children, and perjury. There are some interesting correlations with Prince Andrew’s chart which I examined in Notes on a Scandal Part 1.  Maxwell has the same Kāl Amṛta Yoga combination Prince…...

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Prince Andrew: Notes on a Scandal Part 1

Prince Andrew has been accused by Virginia Roberts Giuffre of having sex with her when she was trafficked at 17. If he were on trial in the court of public opinion he has surely already lost his case.  Despite the backing of the Queen, Prince Andrew has never had a gleaming reputation. Loss of reputation…...

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‘‘Free’’ Will in the Horoscope

The issue of free will keeps coming up in astrology for obvious reasons. When we can map out someone’s life in great detail in a timeline, it’s natural for someone to ask the question: How much of it can I change? ​There are different kinds of indications, some things being more obviously fixed, while others…...

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Taken from the 2021 Edition of Timeline Astrology Magazine ​ ​On December 31, 2020, Pluto entered sidereal Capricorn and transits the sign until 2040. The following two decades promise big changes in how we structure our lives, and in how our lives are structured for us, including changes in governments, banking, corporations, and working life. We…...

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Mars in Cancer: A Deep Dive

Mars represents our courage and strength, our ability to destroy the things that make us feel weak. This can be anything from a substance to a person or situation. When it is strong, it makes it easier to remove things. When it is weak, the need for strength is greater, but challenged, as we deal…...

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The Problem with Ketu in Scorpio

While there are many advantages to having Ketu transiting Scorpio, as it reveals things that were previously hidden, there are many problems it can bring up. The cover ups, the denials, the revelations, the uncertainties, the cyber-attacks, the scary realities, the need to find someone to blame – all of these could be attributed to…...

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Ketu Transits Eclipse Degree

Ketu is now at 18 degrees of Scorpio. This is where a total solar eclipse occurs later this year, on Dec 4. And while that eclipse may seem like quite a ways off, an eclipse degree can be activated sometimes many months before the eclipse itself. This is what is currently happening. Ketu triggering an…...

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In the Grip of the Grahas

I once read a chart for someone who began to use the word ‘rahoo’ as a sort of exclamation while experiencing a Rahu time period, much like you would use ‘woohoo’! They did this without ever having heard of Rahu or what the word meant. Although they did not know it, they were in the…...

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Freedom Seekers: Jupiter in Aquarius

With contributions from patrons of Timeline Astrology   Aquarius is the natural 11th sign of the zodiac, representing our goals, gains, groups of people, and networks, including friends, associates, and society in general. With that in mind, I invited patrons of Timeline Astrology to contribute their thoughts about Jupiter’s transit in Aquarius in 2021 and…...

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