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Points of Wealth: Luck of the Yogi and the Yogi Point

The yogi point can give a secret point of prosperity and luck in your chart and is connected to the daily relationship between the Sun and the Moon. It is connected to the daily panchanga. Every day as the Sun and Moon move away from each other they create a Nitha Yoga. Think of scissors…...

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Astro-Finance: Economic Insights for September

After Labor Day, as we start moving into fall, we all start to think of saving and investing for the winter. It’s a bit like the squirrels starting to gather their nuts to make it through the winter. In Europe, they are already lining up for days in Poland to buy coal for the winter…...

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Astro-Finance For August 2022

GENERAL ECONOMIC INSIGHTS: Jupiter retrograde is not good for business expansion and usually, by the end of the Jupiter retrograde period which goes until Nov. 23rd, we will get economic reports suggesting more contraction and recessionary energy in the economy.  It is also a difficult time for marketing and marketing dollars are better spent during…...

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July Astro-Finance Outlook: Bubbles Bursting

A Welcome to Astro-Finance. The illusion of Jupiter in Pisces has gone out the window quickly as we forget it is the natural 12 th sign of the zodiac and it likes to take away to remind us to move toward the Divine. Neptune can be fickle also in Pisces with its illusions of grandeur…...

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EYE ON SPIRITUALITY: MAKING PEACE WITH DEATH We live in a very changing and anxious world with the Covid scare and with the military-industrial complex more interested in weapons and wars and corporate profit than people.  Saturn in Capricorn is a bit of a grim reaper and since its entrance in Capricorn and also the…...

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SECRETS OF THE MASTERS GETTING NEW DEPTH FROM VEDIC ASTROLGY & PREDICTION LIVE WEBINAR: SATURDAYS:  SNEAK PREVIEW AND FIRST CLASS:   STARTS MAY 21, 2022 At 12:00 Now 6 Convenient Modules Over 2 Years Sign Up For First Free Class: Registration URL 8 WEEKS STARTING JUNE 10TH There are many key techniques that aid in…...

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SATURN IN TRANSITION 29 Capricorn To 1 Aquarius–Dealing With Fear And Uncertainty

EYE ON THE SKY: SATURN IN LATE CAPRICORN AND EARLY AQUARIUS 29-1 DEGREE We get another chance to work on our Saturn issues of responsibility, hard-work, strong ethics and beating ourselves up as Saturn is in the process of changing signs which happens about every 2.5 years. Planets at 29 degrees to 1 degree between…...

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Everything, Something and No-thing: Jupiter in Pisces

I am everything, something and no-thing, all at once. I am everywhere, somewhere and nowhere. What am I? No, it’s not a trick question. You and I, and everyone, are the same on some level. Pisces reflects this higher truth. In each of us lies everything that ever was and will ever be. We are…...

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SECRETS OF THE MASTERS GETTING NEW DEPTH FROM VEDIC ASTROLGY & PREDICTION LIVE WEBINAR: SATURDAYS,   STARTS MAY 21, 2022 There are many key techniques that aid in prediction and make accurate prediction more reliable.  When we learn the fundamentals of astrology, we often are not given these because we just have to struggle to…...

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Dealing With Difficult Transits With True Grit And Discipline

Some people are afraid to leave the house due to bad transits. Transits are only 20% of forecasting so if you are running a bad cycle and have the same bad transit then it is like a tornado warning and a picnic should not be scheduled. Instead, plan and take precautions but continue to live,…...

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