Month: January 2021

Special Features

January 2021: Changing Gears 

The new year brings a promise of hope and positive change. Astrology and numerology help anchor us when the territory is uncertain. Here’s our take…...

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Gary O'Toole

2021 Timelines

  (Taken from the 2021 Edition of Timeline Astrology Magazine). Revolutionary impulses already begun take a firmer hold in 2021, as Pluto returns to Capricorn,…...

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Metaphysical Matters

Lauren’s Steady Heart

The Five States of the Heart In his masterpiece, The Holy Science, Sri Yukteswar tells us that, as we evolve toward the expression of perfect…...

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Sign Predictions

January 2021 Sign Predictions

Look below for your Ascendant or Moon sign to see your January 2021 prediction. Welcome to 2021! WOW! 2020 was a year we will never…...

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Card Meanings

The Fairy Tarot

I don’t know about you, but I am setting my intention to gently enter 2021, with hope for the future and love in my heart…....

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January 2021

Lighting Candles A powerful technique to focus your mind is lighting candles with intent. As a candle is lit in a church for those in…...

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EYE ON SPIRITUALITY: BEYOND AN ASTROLOGY OF FEAR Its getting edgy out there. Between increased COVID cases, election fraud, Chinese spies and fear of war…...

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