Month: April 2020

Special Features


On Mar 30, 2020 Jupiter will enter sidereal Capricorn for the first of three occasions in 2020 and 2021. Jupiter’s transit through its sign of debilitation occurs…...

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A Welcome

Welcome to the April issue of AstroLogic Magazine!

So much happened in the previous month that Joni Patry predicted that we are still taking notes and collecting information. Find out what she says…...

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Ask Joni

What’s Neecha bhanga raja yoga?

How is the debilitation of a planets lessoned or canceled? Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga A debilitated planet is in its most weakened state, and Neecha…...

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Dreams Decoded

Money in a Dream

When you dream about money you are dreaming about something valued or that you value. What that specifically is can be determined by other symbols…...

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Who's In The News

Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson: A Love Story

Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, names we all know and love. They married in 1988 and have two sons together. Recently they have been in…...

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Fear: Our Worst Enemy

I have had a problem getting my article out this month. My intuition just has not been where compliancy determines I can go. This virus…...

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Sign Predictions

April 2020 Sign Predictions

Look below for your Ascendant or Moon sign to see your April 2020 prediction.   Mars moved into Capricorn, it’s sign of exaltation, on March…...

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