Category: Healing



The Month To Watch Reality Shift

What a month we are going to have! When we think about our health, we tend to focus on how we feel, which is directly…...

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May: Letting go of Fear and Looking to the Future

I wanted to expand on the subject of fear. It factors so deeply into our health that it bears further discussion. I talked last month…...

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Fear: Our Worst Enemy

I have had a problem getting my article out this month. My intuition just has not been where compliancy determines I can go. This virus…...

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February: A Time to Focus on Self

When I work with people who are in need of deep guidance in their ongoing struggles with health, it nearly always goes back to energetic…...

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January, The Month of New Beginnings

To start the New Year, I wanted to give a breakdown of each of the planets and how they pertain to your health. And we…...

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December: The Month of Dreams and Wishes

December, or really, the day after thanksgiving is when everyone rushes out to find bargains to begin the holiday shopping, hoping to find that perfect…...

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An Abundant November

Wow did October ever fly by! Speaking of flying…did you notice that the birds and butterflies seemed a bit slow to start their southern migration?…...

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October cup of tea

Wow! It is October, and what a beginning to the school year it has been! Up until this summer we have been long distance grandparents…....

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September: The Month of the Tomato Worm…

If there is one thing an abundant harvest gives us, it is pride in a job well done. Our success drives us to beget more…...

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